Friday, September 08, 2006

Shakeel Aydin Mohamad Syahidan friend persuade me to continue to write my blog here. Ntah ler..actually i dont actually know what to write in my blog. Anyway just want to update the things that going on with my life.
I gave birth to a healthy boy on the 25th April 2006. New addition to my family is named Shakeel Aydin with the name meaning is handsome and intelligent. Isnt he handsome already.
He is 4 month old now.This time I breastfeed my son successfully and proud of it. For new/to be mothers out there, my advice is breastfeed your baby. I failed to breastfeed my older son so I know the difference when u breastfeed or not.
Breastfeed have so many advantages. All the good things written and said about breastfeed is true. My baby until now have never been sick yet. Alhamdulillah. And you will feel satify when breastfeeding your baby like u r doing the best for him.
But breastfeeding is not that have to be kuat semangat to try and never quit to try.The tips is dont ever give your baby bottle fed for the first few weeks untill he is consider expert to attach to your breast.
Every day i look forward to come home from work just to snuggle with my baby.Being a mother is the best thing ever happen in my life now even with 2 ceasarian.
But as usual, not everything run smooth from the day u gave birth but i am lucky to have a husband that understands and support all the way.With each children, you learn new thing and gain new experience. Sometimes I feel like i want to be a consultant for young mothers. :)
I hope that I can raise my children well and give them the best that I can. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

- dICqNiE - said...

Comelnya shakeel .. gol!!!