Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Office

My husband has bad luck in job's environment everywhere he works. I know that we can not expect much as long as we still work's for other people. The best job is when you are working for your self or you have a 5 digits salary with no burden workload(in my dreams hehe..). Prior to my hubby current job, he worked for 7 years and only got a raised of RM500, after all that years working it is like having a longtime relationship that ended without any outcome. So he quits hoping for a new environment.
Well, it is a new environment indeed, a good company but only one thing that spoils it. His new supervisor a.k.a boss. His boss actually have just been 'awarded' the title 'Manager' for merely more than a year but he is cocky like hell!! Self-fish bugger! (seriously)
He talks arrogantly all the time and like to push around. Always proud with everything he does and brag about it. He has no life, working everyday until night because he can not go home early because he lives far away and only can escape the jam if he goes back late. Worst, since he can not go home early so he stalls his staff from getting home on time. I don't mind during normal working hours but when he does it during fasting month, I am annoyed with it.
As a result, we always break our fast in the car this year. But who am i to whine, I always try to think positive and remind myself that not everything in life is easy. So I have lo learn to live with it!
Back to hubby's boss, every now and then I always wonder and amaze how many type of people there are in this world. Did u ever watch the sitcom 'The Office'? Before this, I thought the scenario in the sitcom is like make believe and real people don't behave like that. But how I was wrong! My hubby's evil boss is much worst that the one in the sitcom. Same annoying behavior but much much worst.
Well, that's life with ups and down. I pray that we can be strong and always remember that all the difficulty in life is a test from GOD.
Dear hubby, please be strong and remember that I will always be there for you for best or for worst. Pray for the best!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


GRRRR....sakit hati..
rasa nak mencarut..
maki hamun baling segala barang tercapai dek tangan..
tak guna...
dah la..
lagi sambung lagi mencarut...

Monday, September 03, 2007

Bad Tailor Year!

Our dreams to have a unified theme this Hari Raya shattered yesterday. Upon arriving at the tailor shop to pick up my hubby's baju melayu and also my baju kurung, I was in shocked to see the baju melayu have turn from purple to blue! The cloth we bought for the baju melayu was a Thai silk (not authentic) where you can wear it double sided. I remember giving it to the tailor as purple on the outside but he accidentally cut the sample cloth and put it in his book wrong sided. Frustrated!

And to make matter worst my baju kurung was done poorly, too big and baggy! What a year! After an episode from the tailor in medan mara now this! I guess no luck for us this year. We wont waste any money to buy another baju melayu. But that will be the last time we would ever hire these two tailor shops, one in Medan Mara (Halina Fashion) and another in UNIKEB, Bangi. My mood for Hari Raya was spoiled just want to focus on my manik's now.

All this frustration have effected my treatment towards my children. I have to get my focus all together again! Dont want to be a bad mom! Please god, help me keep my composure back and feet back up again! Insya -Allah! I love you my sons. Sorry for not being the best that I could. I tried and will not fail to try again and ammend my mistakes.